Newsletter No. 2 | March 2022

Dear Reader,
As the ENGAGE project enters its second year, we are happy to share with you the newest edition of our newsletter.

In addition to activities undertaken by ENGAGE and its partners, we would like to draw your attention to our first practitioner-oriented brief, which summarises the major findings of our first five working papers and outlines their practical implications.
If you would like to stay up-to-date with the ENGAGE project, please also consider following us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Enjoy the read!

Our Recent Publications and Events

Emmanuel Macron’s bid to build a “Europe that protects” is not misguided; it outflanks both the siege mentality of a defensive continent and the artlessness of a defenceless one. But it will remain a mere ambition if Europe fails to protect itself.
High-Level Lecture No. 1 | 26 January 2022
With geopolitical tensions rising in Eastern Europe, the EU is struggling to reconcile the need for a more coherent and assertive foreign policy with Member States’ varying strategic interests – all while balancing the crucial transatlantic relationship.
This paper explores the current legal basis and governance structures of the EU’s “external action plus”, meaning traditional external action areas as well as the external dimension of some internal policy areas, including competition, health and environment.
ENGAGE Initial Briefing for Practitioners | December 2021
This brief summarises the major findings from ENGAGE's first year of research and outlines their practical implications. It puts forward definitions for the effectiveness, coherence and sustainability of EU external action and discusses the legal basis and governance structures of CSDP and CFSP.
The EU’s Eastern Partnership has brought tangible benefits to its member countries but does not reflect today’s geopolitical realities. The December 2021 summit was a chance to tailor the initiative to partners’ diverging needs.
ENGAGE Working Paper No. 5 | December 2021
This Working Paper assesses the special legal nature of the CFSP and explores the legal possibilities to enhance decision-making procedures. It argues that current EU Treaties should not necessarily be amended to achieve better outcomes.
This Working Paper explores the current legal basis and governance structures of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy and other areas with defence implications, like the so-called “sleeping beauties”.
ENGAGE Working Paper No. 3 | December 2021
This paper lays the groundwork for the ENGAGE project by putting forward shared definitions of the effectiveness, coherence and sustainability of the EU’s external action.

Our Partners’ Publications and Events

Russia’s War Against Ukraine Ends Europe’s Self-Deception
1 March 2022 | Blog
Carnegie Europe Foundation
The EU, with Germany playing a pivotal role, may finally start acting strategically. It will mean shattering illusions about war, peace, and stability.
Conference on the Future of Europe: What worked, what now, what next?
22 February 2022 | Report
Hertie School – Centre for
International Security

This report showcases lessons learned, actionable results and new forms of citizens’ participation in EU politics.
World leaders meet in Munich amid concerns over Ukraine
19 February 2022 | Radio
Hertie School Centre for
International Security

Monika Sus joins this BBC programme touching on the tensions over Ukraine, the Beijing winter Olympics and more.
For the EU, microchips and geopolitics are two sides of the same coin
11 February 2022 | Op-Ed
Carnegie Europe Foundation

The EU’s newly launched Chips Act aims to reduce supply chain dependence and avoid future shortages – but questions remain about the necessary funding.
EU-China relations: An indispensable re-evaluation is underway
7 February 2022 | Blog
Esade Business & Law School

Patrizia Cogo analyses how the EU is revising its multi-faceted approach to China in light of the latest developments in the bilateral relationship.
The External Dimension of Fit for 55: EU Global Leadership Through the CBAM?
3 February 2022 | Virtual Event
Esade Business & Law School
This session of the 10th ed. of the Global Annual Energy Meeting focused on the EU’s proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its external effects.
Fit for 55: Accelerating the Energy Transition of Europe
28 January 2022 | Virtual Event
Esade Business & Law School
This session includes keynote speeches by Frans Timmermans and Teresa Ribera on the geostrategic perspectives on the European energy transition.
Germany’s New EU Policy and What It Means for CEE
27 January 2022 | Virtual Event
Hertie School – Centre for
International Security

With a new German government, what will be the impact on Germany’s strategic partnership with Central and Eastern Europe in the EU context?
Germany in the EU after Merkel: A view from Poland
12 January 2022 | Op-Ed
Hertie School – Centre for
International Security

Following Merkel’s departure, what is in store for the already complicated relationship between Germany and Poland?
The EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council: A Troubled Partnership
31 December 2021 | Book Chapter
College of Europe Natolin

The chapter showcases three factors that precluded the EU from advancing relations with Gulf countries to a level that reflects their geostrategic importance.
Iran: Back to the Nuclear Deal?
22 December 2021 | Op-Ed
Carnegie Europe Foundation
Mixed signals from the US, Iran’s nuclear progress and rising tensions between Washington and Beijing stand in the way of a renewed nuclear deal.
The Role of National Parliaments in EU Defense
20 December 2021 | Article
Carnegie Europe Foundation
The EU’s pursuit of a single European defence market necessitates stronger democratic oversight by members of European and national legislative bodies.
Divided Georgia: A Hostage to Polarization
8 December 2021 | Paper
Carnegie Europe Foundation
Georgia’s cultural clashes have exacerbated the country’s political polarization, threatening democratic processes and relations with the West.
The European Union and its Eastern Neighbourhood. Whither 'Eastern Partnership?'
30 November 2021 | Book
College of Europe Natolin
Looking back and providing a critical assessment of the first ten years of the EaP in practice, this book assesses its many potential future avenues.

Newsletter No. 3 | July 2022


Newsletter No. 1 | November 2021